
Archive Page Content Plugin

Improve your WordPress archive pages by adding rich content to them! Now you can customise your category archive pages, author archive pages, and custom post type (CPT) archive pages with unique content and unlimited elements. Archive Page Content Plugin currently works with Gutenberg, Classic Editor, and Oxygen Builder. It should also handle any other page […]
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Translatable Menu for Polylang

Contains a function and a shortcode that will enable you to use language-dynamic menus on your website. Instructions on how can be found in this tutorial: How to have language-dynamic menus with Polylang. Features Display basic language-dynamic menu on your site via the shortcode - this can be further customised with CSS Display language-dynamic menu […]
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Strings Registration for Polylang

This WordPress plugin helps you to make use of the 'String Translations' feature included within the popular translations plugin, Polylang. This feature is invaluable when you have static texts on your website which need to change depending on the language being viewed. Features Using this plugin is much easier, quicker, and cleaner than using the […]
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I met Alex on the off chance, we were discussing websites and I was ready for a new website so I entrusted Alex on building my new website, I explained everything I required and he also came up with some great ideas.

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