Archive Page Content Plugin


Improve your WordPress archive pages by adding rich content to them! Now you can customise your category archive pages, author archive pages, and custom post type (CPT) archive pages with unique content and unlimited elements.

Archive Page Content Plugin currently works with Gutenberg, Classic Editor, and Oxygen Builder. It should also handle any other page builder which stores your layout in the page content. So you can build your archive page content however you like.

How To Use Archive Page Content Plugin

Using the plugin is simple. Let's use an example where you have a WooCommerce store with a product category called 'Dog Beds', which exists at the URL:

  1. Buy, download, install, and activate the plugin. A new area of the WP admin will appear called 'Archive Pages'.
  2. Create a new Archive Page, name it 'Dog Beds', give it an Archive Type to stay organised (optional).
  3. Build the page using whichever method you like and Publish.
  4. Go back to the Archive Pages list in WP admin. Grab the archive ID from the column.
  5. Go to the Product Category called 'Dog Beds' and add this shortcode in the description:

[archive-page id="PASTE_ID_HERE"]

Et voila, the content you created in the Archive Page will be pulled into your Product Category and displayed on the frontend wherever the Product Description usually displays.

If you're building a custom theme, or using a page builder to create your Archive, the shortcode can be used in these too.

If you want to add content to an author archive, e.g., add the shortcode to the 'Biographical Info' field.


What is a WordPress 'archive page'?

An archive page in WordPress is used to display a collection of posts grouped by taxonomy (e.g. category or tag), author, date, or post type.

Who is this plugin for?

This is for anyone who wants to more easily manage the content that displays in their archive pages. SEOs in particular may find it useful as it enables them to add optimised and helpful content to the page to go alongside the archive links, which could improve chances of ranking that page well in search engines.

Why not just disable archives and create a normal page?

  1. Disabling the archive will prevent it from appearing in the breadcrumbs of a site
  2. It can sometimes lead to issues with permalinks
  3. It's more organised to keep them together in one place
  4. It fits with the default WordPress behaviour

Will this create duplicate content issues?

The Archive Pages themselves are not public, and are therefore not accessible to any user or search engine on the frontend. The only place your content will be seen is on the Archive Page where you add the shortcode.


  • Provides a method of creating content for archive pages.


  • 7-day money back policy: if you aren't happy with the plugin you can request a refund within 7 days of purchase
  • Purchasing the plugin allows you to use it on unlimited sites and guarantees you access to all future updates
  • Support is offered on a 'best effort' basis - this means nothing is guaranteed but I will do my best to resolve any issues that arise

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